Mobile steam production unit

Installation cost
  • 1,044,000 rubles.
  • Warranty period - 12 months


Block-modular boiler room, transportable installation of the brand “STEAM” type “UPP” model PGM-0.2 is made in the form of an isolated modular block container, inside which equipment is mounted to ensure autonomous steam generation.

The installation includes: a double-circuit steam boiler with a reversible furnace, a feed water tank, a diesel fuel tank, a heating system for the period of downtime in the cold season, a lighting system and a ventilation system, a control panel for the installation.

Before starting work, it is necessary to fill the steam boiler with feed water to the working level, the feed water tank, fill the diesel fuel tank with fuel, and then connect the installation to the 220 V network. To work in the field, an electric generator with a capacity of at least 2 kW can be used as a power source.

Installation Features:

  • Can be mounted on a car trailer;
  • The steam boiler is equipped with a safety automation system and shut-off and safety devices that allow you to constantly monitor and maintain the operating water level and steam pressure in the steam boiler in accordance with the specified parameters;
  • On the information panel of the control panel there are control lamps informing about the parameters necessary for the correct operation of the installation and warning the operator about the cause of the malfunction of the steam boiler;
  • The output to full operating power from the heated state is carried out in less than 20 minutes, from the cold state – in no more than 40 minutes.
  • The reliability of the installation is ensured by the simplicity of the design and the quality of manufacture of each node that is part of it.
  • Technical Specifications
  • Cost
  • Video review
Technical specifications Steam generator mobile PGM-0,2
Steam capacity, kg/h 200
Thermal power, kW 175
Maximum permissible operating pressure, bar 8
Number of steam outlets 1*
Power consumption during steam generation (no more), kW 1,7
Power supply voltage, V 220
Feed pump Vortex, PEDROLLO
Burner Lamborghini ECO 15
Fuel type diesel
Fuel consumption 7-14.8 kg/h
Efficiency (at least), % 90
Fuel tank capacity, l 60
Water tank volume, l 600
Running time of the equipped unit (no more), hour 4
Execution type UHL1

* - The parameter is determined by agreement with the customer

Overall and connecting dimensions

Name Steam generator mobile PGM-0,2
Steam capacity, kg/hour 200
Cost, rub. 1 044 000

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